This June was jam packed for us. I went back to work. Then subsequently took every Friday off for a little vacay. Our first trip was to Lee, Massachusetts to go camping in the Berkshires at Camp Lennox, which was renamed, Camp YPO for the weekend. Ben is a member of the YPO (Young Presidents Organization) here, so we signed up for their family weekend at camp. Not camping, mind you, but camp, like what all our Jewish friends did every summer of their youths, for like 8 weeks at a time. But this was only for 2 nights. And it was a 2 hour drive away. And all we needed to do was show up and participate. And it was the best weekend we had in a really long time. So much fun - even if we didn't really know all the other families yet.
The weekend camp kept topping itself, like in the middle of the DJ dance party in the lodge, they announced there would be free hot air balloon rides in the morning. We went out to see the balloon, but did not go up in it. Thereby confirming the theory that if it is free, its not as special. Well, actually there was a line, and mosquitos, and we weren't sure how the baby would fare and, well, it was tethered and not really a big ride. Oh, and its a big noisy ball of fire above your head that fuels it. But, it WAS the most beautiful balloon we had ever seen.
These are our bunks, though these were not our sleeping arrangements, more like our morning snuggles. Upon arrival, they gave us sleeping bags and head lamps, and a sweeeeet old-school sweat suit. Which turned out to be a good thing bc it was down in the 40s at night, and we packed for the 90s b.c it was that hot the previous week. And now we barely have time to check the weather. I did not even have socks for Julia - she recycled the footies and mismatched sweats for the weekend. She didn't mind. She's rustic.
Above is Elliot jumping into the lake for our "color war" polar bear swim. 1 point for every person who jumps in at 8 am and it is FREEZING. And Sammy is on the dock. As she shivered back to our cabin, she asked, "But where is the polar bear? I didn't see one."
Here's our bunk house and our family sweat suits. They banished us to our own cabin (2 rooms + indoor plumbing). Most other families stayed in the Moms/Daughters cabin or the Dads/Sons cabin (ahem, I am going to be hosed next year and Ben will be solo!). Actually they didn't banish us, but they did it to be nice, since we had a 4 month old and all. Wait, maybe we were banished, I mean really, who wants to sleep with a crying baby in their bunk? (I Do!)
Elliot & Samantha getting ready to find the hatchet, a night time scavenger hunt.
Above, getting our color war grand relay race instructions. I had to eat a cracker and whistle the Star Spangled Banner and then run 100 yards. Julia was not so keen on it, so she slept in her stroller.
Below, Samantha closed down the mess hall at about every meal. She sure likes to eat slow.
Julia and I lounging by the lodge. Wow, did everyone there tell us we were superstars/ troopers / amazing / awesome/ brave / fantastic for bringing our 4 month old. When their eyes really said, "what were you thinking??" But really, I was going to be sitting around nursing my baby and up all night anyway, why not do it somewhere we could be outside and entertained, with our meals prepared for us?
Elliot at Samantha owned the arts and crafts table. They took a break to watch the professional BMX bikers who came to entertain us...
My tattoo was only temporary - and a huge hit when I revived it for my recent company picnic.
There was yoga (below), dodgeball, touch football, a rock wall, and a whole water sport activity that we napped through, and even an illusionist who was on Oprah and Ellen and Jay Leno. I tell ya, if you are going to "camp" -- this is the way to go.