Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Santa and the Good Day

We try to ask Elliot every night what was her favorite part of her day. She almost always says "Pizza!", even when its not Pizza Day, unless we prompt her with reminders. Last weekend was almost overwhelming with too many good options to choose from. So, I asked her, was it

getting to spend the entire day with cousin Zoe?
when we went to visit SANTA CLAUS and see all the decorations?!
when we ate lunch with the elephants at the Rainforest Cafe?!!
when we picked out our Christmas tree?!!!
when we decorated our Christmas tree and had hot cocoa in grown up cups?!!!!
Or when you swung on the flying trapeze in Zoe's living room studio and were adorned in jingly belts and scarves while world renowned belly dancers taught you to shimmy?!!!!

Don't ask where our camera was for all of these things, but believe you me. It happened. Any one of these would cause Elliot to be excited for days. And we promptly took the next weekend off. And will the next one, and the next one...

Cousin Zoe showed us the ways of the world in the Burlington Mall. And We went hog wild at the Rain Forest Cafe - even ordered a Volcano for dessert! One for each of us (j/k).

Howdy y'all! They put me in the neglect-a-saucer again. Maybe that's why this crawling thing continues to confound me. First, I was stuck under a stool in the kitchen and then under a chair in the dining room. Help!

I meant to be here. Really.

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