Thursday, April 29, 2010

Easter Eggs

This one is for you Kate...and for me to remember for next year.  I saw some DIY webcast about an old school way to dye Easter eggs.  This is our result.  You need to use old silk scarves or ties.  They must be 100% silk.  We went to Goodwill and bought men's ties and cut them up.  Wrap eggs in silk.  Wrap white cloth over the silk (we cut up old t-shirts).  Secure with twist ties.  Put eggs in non-reactive pan (we used our tiny Le Creuset dutch oven, mostly b/c it looked like the one in the webcast and I don't know what is "non-reactive").  Fill with enough water to cover eggs.  Add 3 tablespoons vinegar.  Once the water boils, leave them in for 15 minutes.  Take them out and unwrap.  Voila!  You can reuse the silk 2-3 times.  You can rub veg oil on them to make them shiny...we did this, but not so smart for hiding the eggs around the house.  I thought this was a brilliantly easy way to color eggs, you boil them and dye them at the same time.  And, we learned that Papa and Ben have a lot of old patterned silk ties to donate to our cause next year. 

1 comment:

Kate said...


now that is a technique i never would have thought of in a million years.