Friday, January 13, 2012

MLK Weekend

I just saw somewhere that someone said, "If you have a blog and you only update it once a week, you are not a blogger."  Well, ha!  I am a blogger and I only update, as you know, sporadically.  Then again, I have a full time job and am not trying to make this my living.  Just trying to let the relatives feel closer to our village.

So its the MLK long weekend here.  I wish I recorded dinner last night when Elliot asked what MLK is all about.  It was a cute conversation but by the end, we almost needed to write some letters to him (why do I have to include all the details, like oh, he was killed and the killers went to jail...forever --which isn't where I was going, but they kept asking pesky questions!).  

This does remind me however of the self-portrait Elliot did this fall.  It had a little write up.  I remember when they were talking about descriptive colors for hair and skin (peach coconut!) and such as a unit in kindergarten.  I thought the whole class had to write it on their self portrait after reading Elliot's.  Ben and I were quite surprised when we read what she told the teacher to write about her:  

It says, "Important things about Elliot are that she has light skin, she has a mom and dad and two sisters and she likes art and she has 9 cousins, 4 grandparents.  But the MOST important thing about Elliot is that she has light skin and is special!"   

But no, actually no other kid mentioned skin color - it wasn't part of the fill in the blanks.  More like, "I like to ride bikes" and "I went to Texas".  I wonder what the other parents think when they read it.  So Beth, I hope Alice will invite Elliot over to play in her underground railroad sometime.

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