Thursday, April 16, 2009

April Fools

It's all an illllluuusssion.  That's not lemonade, spaghetti, meatballs & parmesan...

That's not a sunny side up egg starter course.

Since last year on April Fool's Day, you may remember I made Elliot cry, I thought I would see what effect the same tricks had this year.  We upped the ante by inviting Charlie over too. For Spaghetti and Meatball night.  Good thing Charlie knows what "April Fool's" is ("There's a spider on your back...April Fools" really is hilarious over and over again).  This year, nobody cried.  In part because I learned that kids get really sad when they think they get to have lemonade for dinner, but it won't come out of its straw since its tricky lemon Jell-o.  So, after they were tricked, they got real lemonade.  And their "first course" of "sunny side up eggs" was yummier than they thought being peaches & yogurt (note to self, use apricots next year, yolks are not the size of peaches!).  And if you reveal spaghetti and meatballs as cupcakes, they are not likely to eat the real spaghetti and meatballs with the cupcake spaghetti staring them down.  And, I learned that its worth it to melt your own white chocolate to look like a parmesan cheese wedge and grate it over the cupcake meatballs...and is not so bad on the real meatballs.  Well Johnstons, thanks for indulging me.  Good thing you are moving, cuz I am likely to have the same tricks next year!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Video for Emily

Samantha is still not walking by herself, but she will push anything she can catch.  This video is from about a month ago when she and Elliot were playing it up in the one warm spring fake-out day.  It snowed 4 inches the next day.  But, Miss Emily was asking for more video of Samantha, and here you go!