Friday, April 06, 2012

Work Life Balance

It's not often, or its fairly often, that I wonder if maybe my life is a little, or more than a little out of balance. That over-used, or not quite used enough, illusive "work life balance" pops in and out of my mind.  Well, yesterday was quite a reminder.  I had a work lunch.  A small group seminar kind of thing at this really cool office space, on a nice day for a walk to the seaport, for some catered nosh, on a topic relevant to one of my clients right now.  Sweet!  Until the lunch I thought was over at 1:30 ended actually at 2PM.  And there was a conference call I really wanted to do at my desk (which was 10 minute walk away) since I had a client (i.e. important) meeting at 3.  

 The call I wanted to do was the first time ever to my knowledge, was doing a panel discussion on...ta da:  Work Life Balance.  And it was not just paneled by HR, but actual people in the business.  Sweet.  One of whom I know very well as being a mom and a senior executive (very few of this combo at my firm), so I wanted to listen in:  So I dialed in from the elevator as we left the meeting. OMG, she takes 2 weeks off in a row every year in addition to using all her other vacation days! Listened to good content (!) as I jay-walked my way back to the office, trying to not get hit by a delivery truck in the process.  There's some balance for ya!  Back at my desk, I realize:  It's 2:37... If I want to color Easter eggs before the bunny comes, I need to place our order before 3PM, or I won't make the delivery cut-off.  If I miss the delivery cut off, when could I possibly lug my 3 lovelies out past bedtime to buy the eggs?  Or the ingredients for our passed dish for the Seder we are going to as soon as my girls wake up?  Crikey... place that order!  But I can't login.  Forgotten something b/c i am at my computer and not using the app which does not make me login in.  17 attempts, and 2 recovery emails sent, I login to my partially filled cart (started it last night with some essentials) tells me "7 minutes left" to place my order.  In the background I was hearing the "work life" balancers, as I click "order" and think I could maybe teach them a thing or two too...

In other news,  Julia thinks markers are lipstick.  And, we had some awesome visitors this past weekend - whom I hope took better pictures than we did.  But guess where we went again?  And it was still fun!  Only 2 smashed fingers this go round.  Not bad for a bunch of new comers.