Saturday, January 20, 2007

Emmilot and Ellimy

Grandpa is the only one brave enough to hold both girls at once!

Elliot & Emily settle down into a slumber party in the Auntie's room while everyone else plays dice games and eats Ding Dongs.

Bucket to Bucket the girls meet for the first time. Elliot is 6 months and Emily is 7 weeks. Ellie is exactly twice Em's size!

Auntie Kassi holds Elliot and I have Emily.

Elliot takes some time out on Auntie Jessie's knee while Aunt Sindy knits in the background.

Emily and her mommy hang out before it is time to go.

Aunties Jessie & Kassi say goodbye to Elliot as we head to the airport.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aunt Naomi and Uncle David liked the pictures!