Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Ends in ER

Our fluffy little chick had a great time on Easter. She loved church (we might have to start going regularly!) She loved her lacy dress and baby chicky fur coat. She loved brunch. She did not like it when she fell down the stairs with Daddy and flew out of his arms landing on her melon like a slippery watermelon. See her lying on a bag of frozen peas pillow while we wait in the ER, and then when she is in her johnny, she came round and was having a great time in the hospital. One quick CAT scan later and we were on our way home (routine check for babies under 1 year, who fall more than 3 feet...good to know!). By the way she is fine - in fact even more smiley than before! Thanks Edith for letting us "crash" your party, and Mary for being a nurse in the right place at the right time (well, right for us anyway)!

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