Monday, June 11, 2007

Busy Weekend Doing Nada

Eleven months old. No new stats yet, but the girl is long, sweet, and hopefully 20 lbs.

Above, Elliot is sitting pretty in the old gold chair.
Below she is sitting really pretty on Jeff's awesome scooter after breakfast.

The day before was our street's yard sale & block party. While the rest of us toiled away hawking wares on our porch, Ben came inside to "watch" Charlie & Elliot.

Time to head to the block party. We found last year's shirts and whipped one up for Elliot, who clearly thinks we are #1!

Below, Elliot and Ben pose by the Charles River where we watched the Dragon Boat Races. Or more accurately, watched the big golden retriever sitting next to us.

Elliot has taken to shaking things and yelling. Which is an improvement over her scolding finger-pointing. She is getting into the action below with her bottle.

And the next day, she is cute as a bug again, while the groggy photographer wonders once again why we are awake and playing at 5:07 AM.


SLY said...

Miss Emmilee is a screamer also. Lately she has been feeling under the weather. So she has been quiet...but trying to voice her opinion over three brothers tends to leave her on the loud side. I also see that Miss Ellie has the same bottles as Miss Emmie...very cute.

SLY said...

Love the barrett!! Miss Emmilee is a screamer as well. She voices her opinion high above her 3 brothers. She just wants to be able to be heard as well.

SLY said...

Love the barrett!! Miss Emmilee is a screamer as well. She voices her opinion high above her 3 brothers. She just wants to be able to be heard as well.