Thursday, September 20, 2007

Children's Museum

Who knew the children's museum could be such fun? OK, so Elliot did not smile for 1 photo, but she had fun...I think.

The Black Beauty Shop Exhibit (their name, not ours). There was a machine to electronically try out all different black hairstyles. Here are the family snapshots.

Next up, Bubble Land! Elliot dons a water smock and is set free to roam in the bubbly goodness. She is a very serious scientist.

Then we crawled under the turtle tank to look up at them.

I am sure that this will not be the first time that Elliot slams her dressing room door in my face.

And now to close with the eating sequence. Elliot has taken to shoving all the food on her plate in her mouth at once. We had to start rationing her bites. The other night, when I stopped her from stuffing her 5th meatball in her mouth, she tried screaming & crying in protest, but had to much food in her mouth to do it. This morning, I caught her stuffing pluots (plum apricots) in her mouth. It was all fun and's the sequence. She sure is proud in the last shot ... moments before she gagged on a bit of skin and then threw up on her tray - you can look. I turned the camera off for that part. The teenage years are going to be fun, no? (sorry they are fuzzy, I could use a photo class!)

Elliot the Unstoppable Eating Machine!

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