Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tis the Season...for the Patriots!

Elliot really does love to watch "Football!" with Ben. This Sunday, she donned her new Patriots gear from Brad, busted into cheer and then helped decorate and eat a gingerbread house before the game.



And this one, she gets a little rowdy - a preview to future heckling?

Gingerbread House? Did Mom really just put a house made of cookie within my reach??

Maybe she won't notice if I lick a little bit of frosting.

Didn't get in trouble for that? Maybe I'll just snag a piece of candy.

If I act like I am sticking one on, she won't notice if I steal another.

That's it, I am going for it. This Gingerbread Man is mine!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Elliot - I bet I know where your gingerbread house came from!! It looks awfully familiar to me! And great job to your Mom for the new frequency of posting! We love seeing you in action - love, Alice T.