Saturday, January 05, 2008

Manic Nesting Underway

Still recovering from the unnecessary but very cool Mini-Kitchen project, it donned on me that it is nice for Elliot to have a place to store her fake veggies, but we have no place to store Baby #2, arriving in just +/- 6weeks, who is planned to share a room with Elliot. As calmly (ha!) as any hormonal pregnant mama could, I shared this thought with Ben. Who started buzzing again. He immediately set off measuring Ellie's closet - in the dark, while she slept and then designing online; ultimately creating a list of materials. This time for our 3, yes ugh 3, trips to Ikea. We are really big fans of their installed closet systems and it helps that Ben can customize them for our wiley closets. Turns out, we should not have built a kitchen for Elliot, but a construction work bench (watch out, birthday is coming) since she took to this project like no other. She wasn't around for the kitchen project, so she jumped into this one. Literally. She had a screwdriver and every time we turned around she was like a little grease monkey looking for screws to turn and drill buttons to press. She was very good at hard-to-reach places!

Elliot is so excited to start a new project that she lost her shirt. She is starting a "take my clothes off if I can" phase.

BUT, she really loves her new robe. She gets out of bed pointing at her closet, "Ro...Ro...Ro..." until we put it on her. Then, she makes us wear ours too and will not let up until we are all in Ros. Hmm, and I thought she would never wear the thing!

So here is the closet "Before" picture. We accidentally deleted the really good one that showed this closet with all the stuff in it. Picture a closet bar packed to the gills with mini kid hangers of clothes and from the shelf above to the floor below otherwise just filled and stacked on top of each other with bags of diapers, supplies, outgrown clothes, baby items out of rotation, that practically fell out the doors every time they were opened. Oh, and Auntie Kassi, if we ever pick a name for Newby, you are going to have to cough up some new hand painted letters!

This is one of the 75 photos we have of Elliot helping out with her screw-driver. She preferred the hard to reach locations and did not like to be interrupted for photo shoots!

And, midway through the project, she let me in to pose with her. I've been accused of "Austin Powers"-style hiding my pregnancy on this blog - not intentional. See, I really am due soon!

And voila! Finished product. Who wouldn't want to spend New Years Eve doing this?


Beth said...

Ben, I have 3 closets that need organizing and a basement ripe for some fun new kid stuff. Are you available to come out here in mid-Feb to help out?

Anonymous said...

The closet looks amazing, well done :)