Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Thousand Words

My girls are cuter than ever and my mailbox or blogbox or something is over its size limit and since my house is not equipped with an IT guy like my office is, and my office does not support or sanction my blog, you don't get pictures of my babies, you get words.  Sorry.  Sort of.

Elliot and Ben have been watching inordinate amounts of Homes by Holmes on TLC or whatever channel it is on.  I find Holmes to be almost unbearable to watch in his handy manny overalls and he's-better-than-all-contractors tone, but Ben and Elliot LOVE it.  Elliot asks to watch it all the time an Ben is happy to oblige in the name of bonding (i.e. getting to watch tv).  So on the way to school, Ben & Elliot had this conversation:

Elliot:  Daddy, is Uncle Jamie a Fixer?
Ben:  Like, does he fix things?
Elliot:  Yes, like you used to build houses in California?  (how does she know that?)
Ben:  Yes, Jamie is a fixer.
Elliot:  So, was Uncle Stephen a Fixer too?
Ben:  Yes.  He was a very, very good fixer.
Elliot:  But, how did he get up the ladder in his wheelchair?!

Who ruined my 3 year old and is feeding her crap at such a young age? Yesterday before school, Elliot had a massive tantrum breakdown because she left the bedroom and I changed Arthur to the news.  (Hmmm, lots of tv theme here. Bad mommy - who is typing this in front of the tv).  She was supposed to be eating breakfast with Ben anyway, but she was sobbing on my floor.  Then under her breakfast, which was on the table above.  Then she calmed down and climbed on my lap.
Mommy:  Calm down.  You probably don't even remember why you are crying, do you?
Elliot:  sob, sob, Yes I do.  (she looks around, trying to think, spies the vase on the table)
Elliot:  I did not get any ..... flowers.
Mommy:  Any what?  breakfast?  did you say flowers?  flowers?  When would you get flowers?
Elliot: I did not get any flowers for Valentine's Day.  Boooo hooooo.....

Cut to Mommy putting some flowers in a vase for her by her bed and reminding her she got better than  flowers: a box of chocolates bigger than her head.  And that Daddy sent flowers to all his girls, she was just asleep when they arrived so I put them in the vase.  She smiled, and was happy.  Oh man, it starts at 3?!

Samantha is super musically gifted.  Could be a prodigy if her parents had any talent to cultivate this gift. But we don't.  We indulge her with sign alongs and kids music and cd's.  But I am tired of all the kiddie music.  Okay, I like singing along with it.  But, I can't think of the last time I listened to my own music.  Somehow I saw a lot of media this week about super cool parents whose kids listen to cool rad music that would put my iPod to shame.  And then I wanted to listen to my own music and have my own kids singing along to something other than Wee Sing.  But the problem is, I don't listen to super cool music that I would want a 3 year old to process.  You think I had a problem with the message sent on Valentine's day above, then how can I pass on my love of angry chick music with inappropriate or melancholic messages?  Oh, Liz Phair, you have a kid, why do you have to drop the F-Bomb all the time?  Tori Amos, I guess they wouldn't immediately know what you meant?  Ani DiFranco, really are you angry at everyone?  And this is why if I could post anything right now, I could post the video clip of Elliot and Samantha who ran to put on leotards when they heard Sinead singing " This is the Last Day of our Acquaintance" and did beautiful ballet maneuvers because it kinda sounded like "ballet music" to Elliot.  At least more than Lady Gaga. 
PS speaking of lady Gaga, it is wrong, wrong WRONG, that Elliot kicked through Home Depot chanting "this beat is sick, i want to take a ride on your disco stick."  Glad she hasn't yet asked me what a disco stick is, because really, I don't know. 


Crystal said...

I love this post!
I love that your children were dancing to this is the last day of our acquaintance. Have you introduced them to hole? or beastie boys?

Beth said...

I feel your pain, and ming includes semi-public humiliation. I have a neighbor who is fascinated, and frequently brings up the memory, of Alice in her sweet, sweet little voice singing Pink's "SO WHAT" as best a little rock star can, of course with all the words memorized.....

Anonymous said...

Ummm, seriously? You don't know what a disco stick is? I will tell you, but don't tell the girls until they are in high school! --wendy