Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bangs! Broccoli and Marathon

Look at Samantha's fancy new bangs!  After a winter of hair being stuck to her face and eyes and coated with food and snot, and chasing her around to comb her mop only to have her yank her ponytails out so hard I thought the hair would go with it, we finally wised up to the answer:  BANGS!  We cut them at home (better than Snip-its and I'm no pro).  We should have done this long ago for her.  And, she looks adorable.  And, and Elliot says, just like cousin Emilee. 

Somehow I got the magic formula right tonight because both girls ate heads of broccoli as big as their heads - this is actually the second bunch for each of them.  2 nights later, they would not touch a scrap of broccoli - go figure.  And, obviously, Elliot was wearing a ball gown she did not want to get spaghetti on, so chose to eat dinner shirtless. 

So for Marathon Monday - I somehow accidentally walked 7 miles with the girls pushing our blasted double stroller.  We watched a good 90 minutes of marathoners finishing the race and somehow the only pictures I have are of Ana's Taqueria on MIT's campus where Samantha slept in the stroller and then woke up to eat a burrito as big as her head.  I sense a theme here, of head-sized food.  And I blame LaBamba at UofI (where they sell burritos as "big as your head")

1 comment:

Lorakasha said...

Sammie does look like Emilee! And of course she should eat burritos as big as her head...don't all toddlers do that?!

They had La Bamba at ISU too, and there was one in Lincoln Park!