Friday, February 04, 2011

The Nutcracker

Just after Christmas, Elliot & I had a special date to go see the Nutcracker.  I don't get it.  I don't like the Nutcracker.  I don't enjoy the performance, and basically think that while Ballet looks really really hard, after you see a few spins and toe turns, that it all kind of looks the same, but in difference costumes.  Add to that, there is no vocal track, songs or spoken bits and I am a bit lost on the world's love of The Nutcracker.  But, Elliot's best friend was going and Elliot has a love affair with ballet all on her own that I do not want to squash, so I sucked it up and took her to see Boston Ballet's performance - because hey, if I have to suffer through it, may as well be through one that is considered the best and not some high school production of it.  Now, I am indebted to Maggie, the 5 year old with us who at least told me the story of the Nutcracker before the show began so we had some clue what was going on.  And to my friend Erica for coordinating the trip and making it bearable for all.   I did have a most excellent date with Elliot and it was really special to get dressed up with her and head to the city for our own date.  When I asked her what she wanted for lunch, she said, "you know that place?  that has the egg salad sandwich on bread with lettuce? you know, Starbucks?  is there one of those near the Nutcracker?  that is where I want to go."  Do I know a place called "Starbucks"?!   Good lord I could own my own franchise by now with the money I have spent on their lattes.

Coveting the Parker House Rolls

With Friends Maggie, Elliot, Zoe, Aiden & Emmett

With the dancing pictures allowed INSIDE the theater.
I was able to redirect her to some New England Clam Chowda and Parker House Rolls at the world famous Omni Parker House (where the rolls and Boston Creme pie were invented!).  She was quite taken with the glamour of the room - and I by how empty it was, so we had very nice service.  Even if we almost were taken down by a backpack-sized hunk of falling ice that fell from a 10+ story building and landed an arms length from our path on our walk there - heart attack for me and all passerbys who witnessed...hilarity to Elliot who thought it was funny.


Mindy said...

But, did you love the ballet? We saw the Boston Ballet's version three times, and we've now seen Chicago's Joffery Ballet twice...I think I still prefer Boston's (shhh don't tell).

Kate said...

ha! Mindy, did ya read the post? I think she decidedly did not love the ballet.

I must try this Starbucks place. Sounds amazing.