Thursday, April 03, 2008

April Fools

While there are no pictures documenting this, I wanted to state for the record - Lesson Learned: April Fooling a 1 year old is not so funny. I planned some pretty funny pranks for my little munchkin and each fell flatter than the next. Not helped by the fact that Ben was late getting home therefore forcing me to prank a tired and hungry 1 year old because I wanted to surprise him too.

Trick #1: switch her Footy Pajama drawer contents in her bedroom with her sippy cup/plate drawer in the kitchen contents. So at dinner time, I asked her to get a plate and she went to the drawer, opened it, pulled out every last bit of clothing and started crying: "Plate! Plate! Plate"...I think thinking she would not get dinner if she had no plate. She stopped crying a bit when I pulled a plate from her bedroom drawer, but no, she did not think this was funny. Trick # 2: I made lemon jello in lemonade glasses with a straw in the glasses to look like lemonade. When Elliot sat down to drink her juice while waiting for me to give her dinner (and I was waiting for Ben to get off the phone), she took a hearty suck on the straw and nothing came out. She does not understand Jell-O. She understands that she wanted "Juice Juice Juice!" for a long time and this was not it. She cries while I hustle to get her some real juice. Trick #3: We had breakfast for dinner. This concept was totally lost on Elliot, but at least it did not make her cry. I made "sunny side up eggs" out of cottage cheese and canned peach halves. She refused to eat the peach and would not eat her jello lemonade "ice" she called it. The good news is that when I asked her to get some footy pajamas for bed, she went to the kitchen drawer for an April Fools (that smarty) but was fooled again since Ben already switched the drawers back. I'll try the same stunts next year ... and not well after dinner time!

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