Last weekend we went to the greatest free fest ever: Touch a Truck. In a parking lot in Charlestown, trucks of every kind were parked and open for kids to crawl through. Our ears ringing, we crawled through many of them - of course the most fun thing to do in a truck is honk the horn. Poor Samantha trying to sleep in her carrier kept jumping awake at all the honks and sirens. Elliot was very into all the "Trucks!" ...Truck pictures on their way (grrr) here are some to tide you over.
Sam is super smiley.
Guess who found her hands this week?
Watching for Trucks on the bench-I-mean-pew and playing footsie.
pray tell - why are you wearing hard hats, yet the children are not? : )
Ahh, very good question. There was only 1 hat - for Ellie. She refused to wear it, so we passed it back & forth. Then we brought it to day care & all the kids tried it and now Miss Elliot will not take it off!
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