Friday, January 27, 2012

The Artist Formerly Known as BeJewelia

Yay! Kassi made me a calendar of pictures over the year and in the process must have uploaded a jillion photos that were otherwise lingering on our other camera.  So I have come across some oldies but goodies, that may seem out of season when posted.

A couple of silly things.  Today I sorted my iTunes by the most number of times played.  Most of our tunes average around 22 plays.  So I was curious what would be the big winner?  Any one of my Lilith Fair ladies?  Prince? Supertramp?  Nope.  It was "Baa Baa Black Sheep".  By a mile, at 120 plays.  Followed by about a hundred other kiddie tunes.  Waaaah waaaaah.  And incidentally, the first non-kid song that appeared was Pink's "Leave me Alone".  Huh, who knew I was such a big fan?

And now for what you tuned in for:  Pictures.  We don't really let Julia color yet.  But she is a weasel with the markers and keeps heisting them.  We do however call her "Bejewelia".  Quite frequently.

Our big art project right now is a making a truck pinata for Sam's birthday party.  Sure we could buy one, but where is the fun in that?  Plus, they don't make pink truck pinatas.

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