Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

 For New Year's Eve this year, we celebrated every tradition we could think of.  We made Chinese Dumplings (pot stickers) and had all hands make at least one.  Ben's Aunt Laura was in town visiting for his parents' 50th Wedding anniversary party.  She was game enough to join in the fun.  Btw, we learned this from our briefly mentioned weekend in NYC. 

I love this picture of Aunt Laura & Samantha
Papa got into the fun too -- didn't even complain about the festive hat we had him wear.
Julia was a vision in her party headband of choking hazards doom.  This girl really likes to eat tissue.  All kinds of tissue.  Even when connected to cardboard and tinfoil.
Samantha's super party gear.  Auntie Wendy made the dress!  She made dresses for all the girls for Christmas.  Rock on Wendy!
Let's see, Chinese Pot Stickers, 12 grapes: 1 for each month for good luck to be eaten at the stroke of midnight (or at 6:43 as was for us...but how are you supposed to eat the grapes and kiss your honey?!).  We also had lentils for financial luck (little coins) and pickled herring, for the Polish...but we don't really know why and my group is begging me to give this one up.

The next day, we went to our friends' house which always ends with a kids group hug/sumo wrestling fest.

Never has an Easy Bake Oven made such a delicious and beautiful creation on its first try as this.  Elliot created it herself:  brownie cake with cream cheese and whipped cream frosting with sliced strawberries and cocoa on top.
And finally, who can resist a picture of a sleeping baby, bottoms up in the afternoon!

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