Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Beach - Year 1: Look out Shore Patrol!

Elliot took to the surf like a champ!

She is marching in the sand with Cousin Alex's master piece sand castle (and Alex in the surf) in the back ground. It took all she had to not stomp it.

Above and below Elliot displays her Shore Patrol chops by pointing out things on the beach and in the water that need to be "saved".

Once the beach goers were safe again, Elliot decided to take up a little sand surfing.

She's a natural - so comfortable on the board, she can surf and impersonate Elvis at the same time!

Surfing grew a little tiresome, and she had extra energy, so she had to start excavating in the mini Grand Canyon.

What a workout! Our little beach bunny took a siesta under the umbrella ... dreaming of little fishies and mermaids.

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