Sunday, July 22, 2007

Emilot & Ellimy Meet Again

Cousin Emily came to visit for Elliot's birthday. They look so much alike, we fielded many questions at the Sing Along about whether they were sisters - but that would be some kind of science since they are only 5 months apart.

Elliot & Emily clown around after dinner at Quincy Market.
Below, Grandma sent some adorable matching outfits for the girls. Unfortunately, they were never wearing them at the same time. Emily would have one on and Ellie would be in her PJs still. Then by the time Elliot matched, Emily was on to the next outfit, or Elliot spilled lunch on hers. So, sorry Grandma, but your daughters are also not good photographers and the couple of times they managed to match, we managed to take yucky pictures! Look how happy they are! Oh, but it was cute in person.

Below is one of the street performers we saw at Fanueil Hall. He captivated the boy cousins and even kept Elliot & Emily tuned in from their strollers.

Elliot is thinking about her own street performance as she waddled around the bricks and landmarks while cousin Andrew got his shop on at Urban Outfitters.

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