Sunday, July 22, 2007

Elliot's crew at The Beach

I am still getting flack for not bringing Elliot to the beach last year, so technically, it was her first trip to the beach, even though, I suppose technically, we could have brought her last year...but a 10 day old baby, a post partum mommy and a 12.5 hour car trip (see below) do not a vacation make. We made up for lost time this year and Elliot took to the surf like a pro!

Below: Crab Night at Auntie Jane & Uncle Allen's! We love it - especially when Ben picks the crab for us. Elliot is just posing here. Apparently they are not supposed to eat shellfish yet? So the clumps on her tray are from KFC ... (is this supposed to be better than shellfish?) And isn't crab a crustaceon (that I cannot spell)?

Below, the hunters and gatherers set out in search for a new beach house that is closer to the action. It was a long hot walk, but we were ultimately successful in finding new digs. No better way than to just walk up to the houses you like and see if they are rentals...and we are lucky to have not received any trespassing tickets.

In the distance, Uncle Jamie & Ben boogie board in tiny waves.

While Papa relaxes and paints a new masterpiece in the shade.

Cousin Alex takes Elliot for a twirl after the beach wedding. Congrats to Cindy & Richie!

Cousins Alex & Zoe are buried in the sand and acting "eaten alive"...did not make miss Elliot want to be buried much. We'll save her for next year.

Cousin Zoe tries her hand at photography (not bad!) while Elliot & I are slathered and sunglassed ready to hit the sand.

Elliot and Daddy yuk it up in the pool only to be followed by the apres-beach mocktail smoothies Uncle Jamie made for the kids. Do you think Elliot liked hers? We had to literally hose her off after this blueberry mayhem.

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